Dr. Becky's Family Practice



Telehealth services offered in Salisbury, MD

Telehealth is a convenient and valuable way to get needed medical services without having to travel to an office. Dr. Becky’s Family Practice, under the direction of Rebecca ‘Becky’ Long, MD, provides telehealth services to patients who live in and around Salisbury, Maryland, an area that is typically underserved. Call today or use the online tool to schedule your telehealth visit and get the necessary care for your family.

Telehealth Q&A

Why is telehealth valuable to patients?

Telehealth allows patients to access medical care remotely. It helps those in the rural communities in Maryland get needed health services that they might otherwise skip. 

With telehealth, you don’t have to visit a physical office, so you get the care you need in the comfort of your home. You avoid busy waiting rooms and the drive time associated with in-person office appointments.

Telehealth overcomes geographical barriers and enhances the reach of healthcare services to you and your family. 

What types of medical services can I get through telehealth?

Telehealth is versatile and can cover a range of medical services. These include:

  • Routine check-ups
  • Follow-up consultations 
  • Interpretation of tests or screenings
  • Medication management
  • Review of a diagnosis and treatment plans

Through telehealth, Dr. Becky may also address urgent care issues like cold and flu symptoms, a chronic cough, or unexplained rash.

While not every medical service can be replaced, remote care can take care of many aspects of primary care and family care.

Are telehealth visits effective? 

Ensuring quality care in telehealth involves effective communication and the use of technology to its fullest potential. 

Dr. Becky engages in thorough discussions with patients, reviews medical histories, and uses video consultations when necessary. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of your or your family member’s health status and allows for meaningful interactions.

How can telehealth be used in the management of chronic diseases?

Telehealth effectively provides chronic disease management and preventive care with regular check-ins, medication adjustments, and lifestyle counseling. 

Through remote visits, Dr. Becky can also help you establish healthy behaviors and identify risk factors for chronic disease. 

How do I connect to telehealth?

Telehealth uses a platform that protects your privacy. Dr. Becky will connect via a computer or smartphone. 

Once you set up your appointment, you log in through the provided portal and talk or video chat with Dr. Becky. 

Are telehealth visits safe and secure?

Telehealth prioritizes your privacy. The platforms have strong security measures to support your private information. These visits comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) guidelines. 

Dr. Becky performs telehealth appointments in private, secure locations to ensure your sensitive medical information remains confidential.

Contact Dr. Becky’s Family Practice to set up your telehealth visit. Call today or use this website to find a time for your appointment.