Dr. Becky's Family Practice



Injuries services offered in Salisbury, MD

Injuries occur without expectation and require focused care. At Dr. Becky’s Family Practice, Rebecca ‘Becky’ Long, MD, provides injury care to patients who live in and around Salisbury, Maryland. She can address sports injuries or other mishaps with house calls and telehealth visits. Call today or use the online tool to schedule an appointment.

Injuries Q&A

What are some common injuries that you treat?

Dr. Becky assesses and treats a range of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to more significant issues like sprains, strains, and fractures. 

You may experience an injury due to an accident at home, in the workplace, or during sports practice or play. 

Injuries aren’t always acute. You may experience injury due to repetitive movement or overuse. These chronic injuries include tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and runner’s knee. 

When should I seek medical care for an injury?

You can often manage minor injuries like superficial cuts, minor burns, or mild sprains at home with basic first aid. 

If an injury is severe and accompanied by persistent pain, swelling, or signs of infection, you should call Dr. Becky’s Family Practice for an evaluation. If you have a shoulder injury or complex fracture, she can recommend a trusted specialist. 

What treatments do you offer for injuries? 

Dr. Becky is well-equipped to address a wide range of injuries. She performs thorough assessments to determine the extent of the injury, offers appropriate care, and provides guidance on home care or referral to a specialist. 

Treatments include joint infections to ease inflammation and improve function. She may also splint sprains, apply stitches, or prescribe pain medications or antibiotics. 

Do sports injuries require special care?

Sports-related injuries often require a specialized approach. Immediate first aid, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.) are therapies used when you have an acute injury.

Some sports injuries require ongoing management, including physical therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and a gradual return to activity. Dr. Becky can help you understand the severity of your injury and when you can return to normal function.

How can I prevent injuries?

You can’t always prevent injuries, but you can take steps to avoid them. When it comes to sports, make sure you and your family always wear appropriate safety gear like helmets, mouthguards, and knee pads.

If you perform a repetitive activity, like swinging a tennis racquet or using a paintbrush, give your body adequate rest and take care of any pain immediately before it progresses to a serious complication.

Call Dr. Becky’s Family Practice to book an appointment if you have an injury or use this website to set up a telehealth evaluation.